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PrimasonicsĀ® is involved in the development of equipment and systems to operate within all the three key areas of Acoustics - Infrasonics, Audiosonics and Ultrasonics. We have found that new concepts and the resulting product development require a tripartite collaboration and the company is fully committed to an extensive Research and Development strategy.

We have a substantial, ongoing commitment to R&D via our collaboration with both the University of Liverpool, Hull University and the University of Salford. At any one time we fund several research studies which on many occasions involve detailed on-site trials at key client sites (hence the tripartite collaboration). Periodically, we will evaluate the key benefits of these collaborative studies and to date these have proved of tremendous benefit.

From the University of Liverpool we are privileged to work with:

Prof Barry M Gibbs - A renowned Professor of Acoustic Technology, Barry thoroughly enjoys his ongoing association with Primasonics.

His purist approach to acoustic research is essential to providing Primasonics with sound, experienced academic reasoning linked to a keen appreciation of our client's wide range of process challenges.

Prof Carl Hopkins - Carl heads up the Acoustic Research. His research interests include the prediction and measurement of sound and vibration.

Dr Gary Seifert - A hands on "academic" whose sound advice and practical experience both within the laboratory and on site is a key attribute to the progress Primasonics has made in recent years on the R&D of Acoustic Cleaning Systems.