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Please find below a Glossary of Terms relating to Acoustic Cleaning which we have compiled for the benefit of all those interested in understanding the principles of the science and its associated, often industry-related terminology.


The removal or erosion of material from the surface of a solid due to friction imparted by the movement of another gas, liquid or solid.


The science of sound, including its production, transmission and effects


The state in which two materials are held together by forces existing between the surfaces.


The adherence of one substance on the surface of another.


A technique that combines small or powdered materials into larger particles, sub-clusters and clusters.

Airborne sound

Sound transmitted through air as a medium rather than through solids or the structure of a building

Ambient Noise

The background noise in an area, generally measured without noise of particular interest


A space which is almost totally free of reflection over a wide range of frequencies. An anechoic chamber gives close to free field conditions.

Background level

The normal sound level present in an area.

Bag filter

Process plant containing one or more cloth bags for recovering or removing particles from dust laden gas or air.


A process in which two or more materials are mixed together so the parts are intermingled with one another.


A high temperature water heater used for the generation of steam or cooling of gasses.


The process of making beer, ale or other malt beverages by boiling mashed malt to produce a wort, flavoring with hops, fermenting this mixture with yeast, and drawing off the fermented wort for distribution in barrels or bottles.

Carbon Black

Carbon black is a powdered form of carbon. It is used for its mechanical properties and pigmentation effects in many automotive products as well as rubbers inks and dyes.


A powder made from silica, alumina, lime, iron oxide, and magnesia which solidifies when mixed with water; this is used as an ingredient in mortar, concrete self levelling solutions etc.


Solid materials made by firing of non-metallic minerals, used in the manufacture of such products as tile, plaster refractories or brick.


A process in which a substance of individual particles comes together to form a coherent mass.


The act or process of pressing together substances either through gravity or applied pressure, which can form a denser substance or cohesive product.